
Feb 2014
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Artist      : D-Rebel
Album       : The Specter of Darkness
Year        : 2014
Genre       : Hardstyle
Source      : WEB
Label       : Empire Traxx
Catalognr   : EMPIRE013
Tracks      : 1
Playtime    : 6:36
Size        : 13,8 MB
Quality     : 320kbps
Date        : Feb-7-2014
Url         : http://www.hardstyle.com/d-rebel/the-specter-of-darkness/2014-refix


01. The Specter of Darkness (2014 Refix)         [6:36]

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*More to come from this label. Stay Tuned!

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Comments ( 12 )

Awesome track


RAW as fuck DAT KICK is SICK!!


keep up the good work drei


So my friend tells me "I just illegally downloaded your track. its a good thing. XD" LMAO so I finally made it on Gabba ;)

If you download it and like it at least share the buy link on your social network you fuckers :P If you really like it buy the WAVE. I'm not in it for the $ but it would be nice to get it higher in the charts. It would send a message that not everyone in America is into that bubblegum popstyle music.

If you are a broke ass DJ.... I been there done that just keep at it.
Here you go enjoy. http://www.mediafire.com/listen/64dcucc6uz2j11h/D-Rebel_-_The_Specter_of_Darkness_(2014_refix).mp3

Thanks for all the feedback and support \m/


"you finally made it onto Gabba"

meaning you have been here before downloading music, and now you are whining people are downloading yours....

do you see anything wrong with your statement ?


I'm not whining about anything I been giving away free music for years LOL This is my first official release and I still posted a link if that stupid zippyshare link expires. I been there done that (clearly everyone know about this site). I also bought plenty of my music for years (vinyl, and waves) so what do you call that? I just never uploaded my own music here because it was always available on soundcloud.... and was waiting for someone else upload it here instead of me :)

This release was auto promoted ▲ to HOT, according to it's high average rating 7.3 (6 votes)

When you go to http://www.discogs.com/D-Rebel-The-Specter-Of-Darkness/release/4534833 it says the original is released "01 Apr 2013".
So tell me, how can this 2014 refix have the same catalog number??
http://www.hardstyle.com/d-rebel/the-specter-of-darkness/2014-refix also shows the picture of the original release ( EMPIRE TRAXX 013 ).
Something is not right here.


Humm I guess maybe we messed up on catalog number thing.... I gave away the original as a free release promo. It was not as good quality as the 2014 refix. I guess we should of changed the catalog # but since it was the same track didn't think it was necessary.


It's not uncommon for a remix to be released years later and basically have the same Cat number with just a "R" at the end, companies makes mistakes all the time, the world still turns


Thanks for pointing it out.... Discogs is a mess :( I will be on there all day updating stuff.

D-Rebel wrote:

Thanks for pointing it out.... Discogs is a mess :( I will be on there all day updating stuff.

Discogs are morons man, doesn't matter what you fix they will just edit it, they take all the info from a cover rather than a proper webpage, I have stopped adding stuff to there.

them adding podcasts was the last straw for me, I don't care what anyone says Podcasts should not be a part of anyone's discography

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