
Mar 2009

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      |       |     l      |     \/     |    l      |    l      //   /____))     
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      |                       :    |  `-----:---------------------------'        
      `-----------------------:----'        :                    

    __  ____  _______                         ...................                
  _(_/_( _ /_( _/ _ /_    ................... :                 :   :            
  \_  |  |  |  |_ |  |    :                 : :                 :   |     :      
   |  |  |  |  _/ |  |    :                 : :                 :   |  :  |      
.--+  |  |  |  |  |  +----------------------------------------------+--+--+---.  
|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |            r e l e a s e  i n f o            :  .  :   |  
`--+  |  |  |  |  |  +----------------------------------------------+--+--+---'  
   |  |  |  |  |  |  |  . :.................: :                 :   |  |  |      
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.....                                                       \             /      
:   :                                                       _\  rippers  /____.  
:   :  release no     ( 10037 )                            \    rating        |  
:   :                                                       \_____.           |  
:   :  artist         (VA mixed by Silver feat MC 2Shy   )         |   .---.  |  
:   :  title          (Nemesis Allstars Silver Volume 1  )         | 0 |   |  |  
:   :  record label   (Nemesis (NEMCD001)                )         | 9 |   |  |  
:   :  genre          (Drum & Bass                       )         | 8 |   |  |  
:   :  release date   (2009/03/18)                                 | 7 |%%%|  |  
:   :  street date    (2009/??/??)                                 | 6 |%%%|  |  
:   :                                                              | 5 |%%%|  |  
:   :  media type     vinyl ( ) tape ( ) cd  (x) radio ( )         | 4 |%%%|  |  
:   :  cover sfv m3u  cover (x)  sfv (x) m3u (x) cue   ( )         | 3 |%%%|  |  
:   :                                                              | 2 |%%%|  |  
:.. :.....     ...                                                 | 1 |%%%|  |  
  :      :     :.:    (01 tracks)  (1:01:44 h)  ( 61,8 mb)         |   `---'  |  
  :   ...:....                                                     `----------'  
  :...:..:   :        ::                                                         

     _.   ____  ____   ____    __                  ..............                
   .( |_ .\ _ )_\__ )_( __/.__/  /      .......... :            :   :            
   | __/_|  _ _/  _  |  |  | /_ /_      :        : :            :   |  .  :      
   |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |      :        : :            :   |  |  |      
.--|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |----------------------------------+--+--+---.  
|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |     t r a c k  l i s t i n g     :  .  :   |  
`--|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |----------------------------------+--+--+---'  
   |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |    : :........: :            :   |  |  |      
   |_____|__|__|_____|_____|__|__|    :..        . :............:   .  |  :      
                                                 :...                  :         

  nr   times   track titles                                                      
| 01           Roughcut And Scheme feat MC Foxy - Fuck Off                    |
| 02           NW2 - Dready VIP (Cabbie And DJ Origin Rmx)                    |
| 03           Dirty Deeds And DJ Toxic - Cannonball                          |
| 04           The Rhythm Beater And TI - Innsbruck                           |
| 05           Silver - Push Da Weed                                          |
| 06           DJ Origin - Sky Diving                                         | 
| 07           Silver - Dance Like Pete                                       |
| 08           Sin And Muffler - Bully                                        |
| 09           Sonic And Silver - Rocket Launcher                             |
| 10           DJ Origin - Sequence                                           |
| 11           Silver And Lutin And Digital ft MC Navigator - Jungle Story    |
| 12           Prestige - Running Away                                        |
| 13           Silver - Ironhand                                              |
| 14           Sonic And Silver - Chi Town                                    |
| 15           12th Planet - Control (Silver And Skream Rmx)                  |
| 16           Sonic And Silver - Beyond The Sunset                           |
| 17           DJ Origin - Beat Stop                                          |
| 18           Sin And Muffler - Street Fighter                               |
| 19           Rhythm Beater - Massada                                        |
| 20           Noah D - Blueberry Jam                                         |
| 21           Audio Unit - Soundbwoi                                         |
| 22           DJ Andy And Mikrob - Shed Tears                                |
| 23           Lil Louis - French Kiss (Drum And Bass Rmx)                    |
| 24           Silver - Sex Love And Hate                                     |
| 25           Simian Mobile Disco - We Are Your Friends (Drum And Bass Rmx)  |
| 26           Dawn Raid - Sound System Banger                                |  
`----^-------^--------------------------------------------/                   |  
                                                  ...... /____________________|  
                                                  :            .                 
                                               ...:..          :                 
                                               :    :..........:                 

    ____   ____ __.    ____ ____   ____  ____          ...                       
   .\ _ )_( _ /_\ |___( _ /_\__ )_( __/_( _ /_         : ...........  :          
   |  _ _/ /___/  |  / /___/  _  |___  / /___/  ........ :         :  |     :    
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.--|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |------------------------+--+--+-.  
|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | r e l e a s e  n o t e :  .  : |  
`--|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |------------------------+--+--+-'  
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                                                       :..               :       

                :                                               :                
                |                                               |                
        .-------+                                              -+-------.        
        |       |                                               |       |        
        |       | The c.d. boasts original tracks exclusively   |       |        
        |       | made for the mix and unreleased tracks and    |       |        
        |       | remixes from an all-star roster which         |       |        
        |       | includes Silver, Sonic, Skream, Digital,      |       |        
        |       | Cabbie, Dj Origin, S.I.N & Muffler, Roughcut, |       |        
        |       | Lutin, Prestige, Dirty Deeds, Dawn Raid, plus |       |        
        |       | many many more.                               |       |        
        |       |                                               |       |        
        |       | Just one track on the cd, hence no cue.       |       |        
        |       |                                               |       |        
        `-------+-                                              +-------`        
                :                                               :                

    __.    ____ _____ ____  __.                    ..............                
    \ |___( _ /_\  _/_\__ )_\ |___      .......... :            :   :            
   /  |  / /___/  |  /  _  |  |  /      :        : :            :   |  .  :      
   |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |      :        : :            :   |  |  |      
.--|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |----------------------------------+--+--+---.  
|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |        d i s c l a i m e r       :  .  :   |  
`--|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |----------------------------------+--+--+---'  
   |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |    : :........: :            :   |  |  |      
   |__|__|_____|_____|_____|_____|    :..        . :............:   .  |  :      
                                                 :...                  :         

|                                                                             |  
|   This release may contain copyrighted material, however SOUR guarantees    |  
|   that this material was at least available to one person "on the street"   |  
|     and that the possession of this material is in no way privileged.       |  
|                                                                             |  
| SOUR has been releasing good quality drum'n'bass, jungle & oldskool rips to |  
|    the internet drum'n'bass public since summer 1999. Originally a small    |  
|       operation, we have now reached levels of international acclaim.       |  
|                                                                             |  
|  SOUR is dedicated to both the availability and promotion of music to the   |  
|  public, and our rips are intended to reflect these ideals. Specifically:   |  
|                                                                             |  
| . SOUR is dedicated to the promotion of new music that is currently         |  
|   available to buy. If you like something you hear, you are obliged to      |  
|   attempt to purchase an original copy.                                     |  
|                                                                             |  
| . SOUR is dedicated to the promotion of old music that may no longer be     |  
|   available to buy.                                                         |  
|                                                                             |  
| . SOUR is dedicated to the expansion and infiltration of drum'n'bass        |  
|   worldwide! We provide a service where none is available, specifically in  |  
|   many remote countries where traditional distributors can not afford to    |  
|   target. Also, the availability of drum'n'bass in an easily accessible     |  
|   form expands the potential for real world sales to people who may not     |  
|   otherwise have considered buying drum'n'bass.                             |  
|                                                                             |  
| . SOUR is dedicated to the expansion of the online and offline real world   |  
|   scenes. With more listeners enjoying what they hear, clubs and venues can |  
|   only expect MORE people to attend events; DJ's can only expect MORE       |  
|   people to pay to see THEM.                                                |  
|                                                                             |  
| By accident of today's current real world distribution arrangements, many   |  
|   artists will find that SOUR releases IMPROVE their real world sales;      |  
|  especially for items only on vinyl. This is the basis upon which SOUR      |  
|                                 operates.                                   |  
|                                                                             |  
`---------------------------------------------------------/                   |  
                                                  ...... /____________________|  
                                                  :            .                 
                                               ...:..          :                 
                                               :    :..........:                 

                      [ sour productions(c) 1999-2009 ]

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