_ _ _______ _____ _______ _____ _______ __ __ \ / |______ | | | | | | \_/ \/ |______ |_____ |_____| |_____ __|__ | | : VELOCiTY PReSeNTS : Moaan Exis - Moaan Exis : ReLeaSe iNFo : aRTiST...:: Moaan Exis aLBuM....:: Moaan Exis GeNRe....:: Hardcore LaBeL....:: Industrial Strength Records SouRCe...:: WEB Catnr....:: ISRDIGI098 uRL......:: https://play.google.com/store/music DaTe.....:: Apr-08-2016 TRaCKS...:: 05 LeNGTH...:: 22:03 SiZe.....:: 50,60 MB eNCoDeR..:: Lame 3.99 QuaLiTy..:: 320kbps / 44,1kHz / Joint Stereo : ReLeaSe NoTeS : : ReLeaSe TRaCKLiSTiNG : 01.Arise ::05:36:: 02.Dissidence ::03:50:: 03.Resonance ::04:18:: 04.The Call ::04:50:: 05.Ubiquity ::03:29:: 22:03 min 50,60 MB : aBouT VELOCiTY : We are a non-scene group bringing all the missing releases the scene groups are forgetting so the collectors among us won't miss a thing! Got something for us? Search for us! (C) 2016 VELOCiTY