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Thunder vs X-mind - Wait And Bleed EP
: ReLeaSe iNFo :
aRTiST...:: Thunder vs X-mind
aLBuM....:: Wait And Bleed EP
GeNRe....:: Hardcore
LaBeL....:: Fuse Records
SouRCe...:: WEB
Catnr....:: FUSE001
uRL......:: wait-and-bleed-ep/4703
DaTe.....:: Apr-19-2016
TRaCKS...:: 03
LeNGTH...:: 11:21
SiZe.....:: 26,04 MB
eNCoDeR..:: Lame 3.99
QuaLiTy..:: 320kbps / 44,1kHz / Joint Stereo
: ReLeaSe NoTeS :
: ReLeaSe TRaCKLiSTiNG :
01.Thunder vs X-mind - Wait And Bleed ::03:00::
02.Thunder vs X-mind - Wait And Bleed ::04:08::
(Tear Out Version)
03.Thunder vs X-mind & Section Gr - Wait And Bleed ::04:13::
(Section Grabuge Remix)
11:21 min
26,04 MB
: aBouT VELOCiTY :
We are a non-scene group bringing all the missing releases
the scene groups are forgetting so the collectors among us
won't miss a thing! Got something for us? Search for us!
(C) 2016 VELOCiTY
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