
Jul 2022
320 kbps
139 mb
WebHardstyleDirty Workz
Average: 7.6 (13 votes)




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   .MUSiCiSLiFE!!!             .
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            .. P R E S E N T S ..            

               Sub Zero Project - Renaissance Of Rave              

     ARTiST..[ Sub Zero Project                                      
     TiTLE...[ Renaissance Of Rave                                   
      GENRE...[ Techno                  CAT-NR..[ DWXCD042             
      LABEL...[ Dirty Workz             ENCODER.[ Lame                 
      YEAR....[ 2022                    QUALiTY.[ MP3 320kbps/44.1hz   
      SOURCE..[ Web                     MODE....[ Joint Stereo         
      PLAYTIME[ 60:59                   RiP.DATE[ 07.01.2022           
      TRACKS..[ 17                      RiPPER..[ TEAM OMA             
      SiZE....[ 139.83 MB               SUPPLiER[ TEAM OMA             

               .. T R A C K  L i S T ..              

      NR. TRACK.                                             TiME.     

      01  Sub Zero Project - Renaissance Of Rave            03:18      
      02  Sub Zero Project - Nightwatch Underground         03:37      
      03  Sub Zero Project - Fly With Me                    03:41      
      04  Sub Zero Project - Trip To Mars (Astronauts)      03:02      
      05  Sub Zero Project & Coone Feat. Atilax - Mind Of A 04:20      
      06  Sub Zero Project - A New Beginning                03:48      
      07  Sub Zero Project & Diandra Faye - Nightmare       04:30      
      08  Sub Zero Project & Devin Wild - Trinity Till      04:35      
      09  Sub Zero Project - Lions                          04:35      
      10  Sub Zero Project - Halo                           03:09      
      11  Sub Zero Project & Ran-D - One Last Time          04:05      
      12  Sub Zero Project & E-Life - Base                  03:19      
      13  Sub Zero Project & Rebelion - Live Fast Die Young 04:01      
      14  Sub Zero Project & Timmy Trumpet - Soft Ass Shit  03:59      
      15  Sub Zero Project & Gldy Lx - Basstrain            03:11      
          (Rebelion Remix)                                             
      16  Sub Zero Project - Aliens Rave In Peace           02:38      
      17  Sub Zero Project - 200 Beathoven                  01:11      

                                                    TOTAL:  60:59      

            .. R E L E A S E  N O T E S ..           


                   .. G R O U P ..                   

             MAiL:  [email protected]             

             The only thing that really matters is music!!!          

.                 .. G R E E T S ..                    
 .                                                      .
                    FRiENDS / SiTEOPS / NUKENET                    
   .                       RIP kHz                          . 
            .  .. !kb^faa  08.MARCH 2009 ..  .          .

1st track preview

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Comments ( 30 )

Edits please


There's two of them in this list.

Anonymous wrote:

There's two of them in this list.

Only because they were added to the streaming service, the ones exclusive to the CD's are missing as there is no release for them on streaming services and never will be.


Agree, that's why you need to purchase the physical album to get all edits. Besides that, the entire songs here are great. Who needs edit then?


@Ben Dude, nobody has the Edits yet.
I just odered the CD because of that


No edits with web release. Gotta wait for the CD's to hit the streets.


ae you serious, why would anybody want edits?


Idiot. The edits from cd2. Go Check the Tracklist of the Album

anonymous wrote:

Idiot. The edits from cd2. Go Check the Tracklist of the Album

don't be such a cry baby, ok

judge dread wrote:
anonymous wrote:

Idiot. The edits from cd2. Go Check the Tracklist of the Album

don't be such a cry baby, ok



Could someone with the CD add the edits? Thx ! :D

1 Aliens Rave In Peace
2 Darkest Hour (Edit)
3 Rave Into Space (Edit)
4 Headbanger (Edit)
5 Face Of A Champion (Edit)
6 Playing With Fire (Edit)
7 Heroes Of The Night (Edit)
8 The Contagion (Edit)
9 Our Church (Edit)
10 200 Beathoven

Ben wrote:

Could someone with the CD add the edits? Thx ! :D

1 Aliens Rave In Peace
2 Darkest Hour (Edit)
3 Rave Into Space (Edit)
4 Headbanger (Edit)
5 Face Of A Champion (Edit)
6 Playing With Fire (Edit)
7 Heroes Of The Night (Edit)
8 The Contagion (Edit)
9 Our Church (Edit)
10 200 Beathoven

No need for 1 and 10 as they're already there, but yeah please. the other edits are rather sought after the moment. Anyone?

Dave wrote:
Ben wrote:

Could someone with the CD add the edits? Thx ! :D

1 Aliens Rave In Peace
2 Darkest Hour (Edit)
3 Rave Into Space (Edit)
4 Headbanger (Edit)
5 Face Of A Champion (Edit)
6 Playing With Fire (Edit)
7 Heroes Of The Night (Edit)
8 The Contagion (Edit)
9 Our Church (Edit)
10 200 Beathoven

No need for 1 and 10 as they're already there, but yeah please. the other edits are rather sought after the moment. Anyone?

Yeah pls I also want it, and maybe the others!


I have the edits on CD.

anonymous wrote:

I have the edits on CD.

Please get em ripped in 320k MP3 and get them uploaded somewhere. You would be an absolute saviour x


If you rip it, it would be great


Just curious. What's so special about the edits? Are they just radio edits or, edits as in like live edits/kick edits etc?


The second CD contains (most) of their Live Edit tracks. You probably heard them in their recent sets


Ah I see, Thanks. There wasn't much info about the edits to go by so I didn't know.


The edits also ripped on YouTube.. so whats so Special?


The ripped one on youtube will be awful when you try to convert it to mp3, so we all want the real mp3 or flac edits and still special.


There ist nothing Special. They Put only 2min edits.. nothing worth to wait for..


The edits are online. You just have too look

Berd95 wrote:

The edits are online. You just have too look

Or you could just be helpful and link.


I tried, they blocked my reply with the Link


Edits. Edits, get your edits.



Thanks mate!


2CD FLAC Rip incl the Edits


Please reupload this !


Dhaval wrote:
Please reupload this !

download link works fine

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