
Apr 2011
94 mb
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_________________________[ Release Info ]_________________________

Artist          :: The Teknoist
Title           :: Trainwreck Magnetism
Company         :: Ad Noiseam
Catalognr       :: ADN145
Genre           :: Drum & Bass
Year            :: 2011
Url             ::

Grabber         :: EAC
Encoder         :: LAME
Source          :: CDDA
Quality         :: VBRkbps / 44.1kHz / Joint-Stereo
Playtime        :: 69:25  min
Size            :: 94.65  MB

Released        :: 13-04-2011

_________________________[ Release Notes ]________________________

Three years have passed between The Teknoist's first full length 
album "...Like A Hurricane Made Of Zombies" and his new 
"Trainwreck Magnetism". Three years during which Miike Hayward 
kept rather busy: touring all over the world, wrecking sound 
systems from his home UK to Japan, releasing record after record 
and making friends, lots of them. If there's a definite magnetism 
drawing the listener to The Teknoist's hard and broken beats, 
there's another one, drawing musicians to collaborate with him, 
to lend him their tones, or ask him for a remix. 

An album per se, "Trainwreck Magnetism" is also an accurate 
inventory of this artist's recent activities: he's written music 
again (more than half of the album are new solo and collaboration 
tracks), and he's been asked to remix tracks from very different 
scenes: we get his re-interpretations of King Cannibal's raw 
dubstep, of Mu-Ziq's IDM, or of Drumcorps's electronic grindcore, 
among others. By presenting all these tracks linked together, 
The Teknoist drives one of his main points home again: however 
hard his music might be, it's a world apart from just throwing 
fast beats around, but requires a lot of open mindedness and care. 

Yes, a lot of people will just hear and notice how hard 
"Trainwreck Magnestism" is (for yes, The Teknoist's combination of 
hardcore, breakcore and drum'n'bass is harder than what most 
people write). It would however be a mistake not to dive in these 
compositions and notice how changing, detailed and crafted they 
are. Comparing the highly acrobatic "Kitsunegari" to the 
atmospheric and introvert "Tears And Fruit Cocktail", or the
free-wheeling, all out madness of the King Cannibal remix to the 
controlled and multi-tonal one for Septic Insurgent, one realizes 
how much attention has gone into every track, and why The Teknoist 
counts as one of the most sought-after and multi-talented artist 
of the breakcore and hardcore scene.

_________________________[ Tracklist ]____________________________

CD 1/1

1.  Mu-Ziq - Siege Of Antioch (The Teknoist's I've Got 2 I's  6:02
    In My Name Remix)
2.  The Teknoist - Dead Unicorn                               6:41
3.  King Cannibal - Aragami Style (The Teknoist's Boygrinder  5:25
    Bazooka Remix)
4.  Hecq & Exillion - Spheres Of Fury (The Teknoist's         5:31
    Dreilide Thrace Redux)
5.  The Teknoist - Tears And Fruit Cocktail                   5:55
6.  The Teknoist - Prototype For A Ninja Necromaniak (With    6:03
7.  The Teknoist - Danimal (With Macheeen Boi)                6:01
8.  Septic Insurgent - Box Of Dreams (The Teknoist's Box Of   5:26
    Nightmares Labotomy)
9.  Drumcorps - Down & Rodigan Vs Alien (The Teknoist         5:08
    Reckons Rodigans Gonna Go Down Meddly)
10. The Teknoist - Kitsunegari                                5:29
11. The Teknoist - My Sugar Ape (Moses Likes This One)        6:49
12. AK-Industry - Nekrologik Anthem (The Teknoist's           4:55
    Gawdziwwa Remix)

_________________________[ Group News ]___________________________

Greetz to everyone who likes us :)

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Comments ( 4 )

My favorite album in 2011 so far


this sounds soooo nice with some stinkty green and im only on track 4. Thanks m8y




Been looking for that Donny - The resistance twist for ages heard it first time in a teknoist mix 3 years ago, Nekrologik Anthem (The Teknoist's Gawdziwwa Remix) = one fucking sick track

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